![Resilient Europe: Best practices from across the continent in building resilient societies](https://www.informedsociety.cz/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Snimek-obrazovky-2024-12-18-v-15.08.48.png)
Resilient Europe: Best practices from across the continent in building resilient societies
In recent years, Europe has faced a growing number of threats stemming from Russia's hostile influence,...
![From Prague to Berlin: Navigating the disinformation war against Russia](https://www.informedsociety.cz/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Snimek-obrazovky-2024-12-18-v-14.57.58.png)
From Prague to Berlin: Navigating the disinformation war against Russia
The Czech-German discussion on disinformation, which took place within the Resilient Europe conference (8-10 October 2024 in...
![Studijní cesta polských asistentů poslanců do Prahy (24.–27. listopadu 2024)](https://www.informedsociety.cz/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/web_featphoto_czpl-1080x675.png)
Study Visit of Polish Parliamentary Assistants to Prague (24-27 November 2024)
As part of the long-running Academy for CIS parliamentary assistants, a study session was held from 24 to 27 November 2024...
![TEĎ NAOZAJ Naživo! S Michalem Hvoreckým a Annou Stránskou o umění a aktivismu](https://www.informedsociety.cz/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/sablona-pro-web-podcasty-1080x675.png)
TEĎ NAOZAJ Naživo! With Michal Hvorecký and Anna Stránská about art and activism
TEĎ NAOZAJ! · TEĎ NAOZAJ Naživo! With Michal Hvorecký and Anna Stránská about art and activism In celebration of 17....
![TEĎ NAOZAJ: Jitka Uhrová: Pokud se česká společnost na něčem shoduje, je to nespokojenost s politiky](https://www.informedsociety.cz/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/3-1080x675.png)
TEĎ NAOZAJ: Jitka Uhrová: If Czech society agrees on anything, it's dissatisfaction with politicians
TEĎ NAOZAJ! · Jitka Uhrová: If Czech society agrees on anything, it's dissatisfaction with politicians This week...
![TEĎ NAOZAJ: Mikuláš Kroupa: 17. listopad je důležitější pro mladé, starší cítí k událostem před 1989 nostalgii](https://www.informedsociety.cz/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/2-1080x675.png)
TED NAOZAJ: Mikuláš Kroupa: 17 November is more important for the young, older people feel nostalgic about events before 1989
TED NAOZAJ! · Mikuláš Kroupa: November 17th is more important for the young, older people feel nostalgic about events before 1989
![Pozvánka: TEĎ NAOZAJ naživo! Umění a aktivismus v Česku a na Slovensku](https://www.informedsociety.cz/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Web1229-x-768-px-1-1080x675.jpg)
Invitation: TEĎ NAOZAJ LIVE! Art and Activism in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
As part of the 17 November celebrations in the Czech Republic, we are recording a special live podcast focusing on the connection between culture...
![Zahájení 5. ročníku Bezpečnostní akademie](https://www.informedsociety.cz/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/IMG_9950_Cover-1080x675.jpg)
Opening of the 5th year of the Security Academy
Last week, from 23 to 25 October 2024, the opening seminar of the fifth edition of the...