Statement on the allegations of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic


V reakci na zprávu v médiích v souvislosti s akcí, kterou pořádáme na Velvyslanectví Nizozemského království v Praze, bychom rádi uvedli na pravou míru některá tvrzení, se kterými přichází the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic..

First and foremost, the organiser of the event is the Centre for Informed Society, an NGO not affiliated with any political party, not the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Czech Republic, which only provided the venue for the event. The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Czech Republic did not interfere in any way in the selection of speakers or invited guests. For these reasons, too, we reject that this was an event which was intended to interfere in any way in the internal affairs of Slovakia.

The aim of the event is to present to the invited guests from among diplomats of EU member states the current internal political developments in Slovakia and their overlap with the Czech Republic and the EU. We see our role in line with the mission of the organization and the mission of the NGO sector in informing about and evaluating events with EU overlap that are taking place in Slovakia, not as interference in the internal affairs of Slovakia, which was not and is not the intention of the event.

Odkazy na články v médiích naleznete zde: Denník N SK, Novinky CZ